The Ministry is headed by a political appointee the Minister and his Deputy .
- Both of them are appointed by the President. The main objective of the Minister and his Deputy is to drive and implement the president’s vision relating to Infrastructure as outlined in pillar 4 of the New Direction manifesto document.
The Objectives of the Ministry is as follows:
- To develop appropriate policies and programmes for a safe, reliable and sustainable national road network for the enhancement of economic growth and development.
- To provide public officers with appropriate social infrastructure for conducting of government business.
- To manage all government assets.
- To regulate the Sierra Leone Institute of Professional Engineers
The Ministry consists of two main components as follows:-
- 1. Administrative Wing headed by the Permanent Secretary.
- The Administrative wing provides advisory services and managerial support to the Ministry for the formulation and implementation of programmes. The Ministry has constituted a Change Management team to move forward the reform process, especially the recommendations contained in the Management and Functional Review Report of the Ministry.
- 2. Professional Body is headed by the Chief Director and supervises the different Directorate
- Architectural Division – is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of public buildings.
- Civil Engineering Division – caters for sea face protection, the design and construction of internal airfields, access roads to government quarters, wharfs, jetties, mini hydro and drainage. This division is also part of the building maintenance team.
- Mechanical Engineering Division – is responsible for the procurement and maintenance of all vehicles, plants and equipment for the Ministry.
New Divisions? The Professional Head provides overall supervision for these divisions.